Benefits of barley.

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Barley is a grain with high nutritional value 100 grams provides 350 kilocalories of energy. Many people may misunderstand between barley and millet. Because they have very similar characteristics. It can also be used to make a variety of menu.

1. Reduce blood sugar levels

Barley has properties that help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels. It can also lower glucose levels better than eating regular rice UFABET 

2. Reduce cholesterol

Barley contains beta-glucan that can regulate the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and fats. Thus reducing the absorption of bad cholesterol into the bloodstream. It also helps reduce triglyceride levels and increase good cholesterol levels.

3. Nourish the brain

Barley contains vitamins B1 and 6, GABA and choline that help to enhance learning and memory. It also helps nourish the nervous system and muscles.

4. Reduce arthritis symptoms

Barley contains copper, which has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Copper also has antioxidant properties within the body, thus helping to restore cells in various parts of the body.

5. Nourish the heart

Is a great heart-healthy food. Because it contains an antioxidant called tichotrienol that helps prevent heart disease well. Helps reduce the risk of heart failure and coronary artery disease. It also contains lignans that help prevent blood clots and silicon. That can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Because silicon helps make large blood vessels strong.